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- Introducing the Aztech New Media Keep It Simple Series. This collection of applications, images
- and content is absolutely one of the best values available in the industry today. This online
- document is divided into the following sections:
- USES FOR Keep It Simple
- _________________________________________________________________________
- The following is a cursory overview of the contents of this suite:
- * over 30 powerful multimedia applications, including
- o page layout o graphic design
- o photo editing o sound & music editing
- o slide show o presentation development
- o image morphing o word processing
- o spreadsheet o fax/modem communications
- o multimedia file management o four-language spell checker
- o graphic file conversion o talking icons & animation
- o business forms templates o encyclopedia
- and much, much more
- * more than 700 photographic images stored as high resolution
- (300 dpi 24-bit RGB images)using JPeg compression
- * and low resolution (72 dpi 24-bit RGB ). Our" low resolution" is still higher in
- * resolution than most other "image collections"
- * more than 4,500 color and black& white line art (clipart) images
- * 100's of sound clips and sound effects
- * more than 50 sound-alikes of famous voices
- * 45 minutes of compact disc-quality ("redbook") audio, also stored as 16-bit stereo
- * high-quality (44.1 Khz) .WAV files (some files are over 30 MB each in size!)
- * incredible multimedia reference encyclopedia
- * tutorials on the Internet and Windows 95
- * communications capability for fax, modem and voice
- * word processing, spreadsheet, spell checker, thesaurus, graphing and more
- Every manual for every application is either on the same disc as the application or it is
- incorporated into the online help function of the respective application.
- Everything you could ever possibly want to do in a print or display presentation or
- application can be created with one or more of the applications in Aztech's Keep It
- _________________________________________________________________________
- You can meet just about any need with a professional quality touch using Keep It Simple,
- including:
- letterhead
- business forms
- menus
- brochures
- advertisements
- newsletters
- mailing lists
- business letters
- business plans
- reports
- essays
- memos
- overhead present.
- catalogues
- invitations
- posters
- logos
- research projects
- video present.
- audio projects
- m/media projects
- pop displays
- product packaging
- editorials
- slide shows
- exhibit designs
- business cards
- and much more ...
- Later in this document are some tips on how the different applications in the complete
- Keep It Simple Suite may be used to create the elements that will ultimately make up your
- project. Layout a newsletter, design its logo and import it, convert an image file into
- a new file format, morph it and then import it too, select one of a hundred different
- fonts, display it page by page on your screen while music plays behind, add sound
- effects to emphasize important points and so on.
- _________________________________________________________________________
- If you do not have all the modules, the following lists each module's content.
- Function On Disc # Title
- ==========================================================================
- Keep It Simple Publishing
- -------------------------
- Desktop Publishing & Page Layout 1 Pressworks 1
- Graphic File Conversion (Win95) 1 Conversion Artist 95
- Graphic File Conversion (Win3.1) 1
- Headline Fonts 1 Fonts
- Multimedia Encyclopedia 2 Hutchinson Multimedia Encyclopedia
- Line Clipart x 5,000 3 Provektor Classic III
- License & Royalty Free Images 2,3 Watermarks I with Kudo catalog browser
- License & Royalty Free Images 1 Parsons Announcements
- Multimedia Browser & Manager 3 Kudo Catalogue Reader
- Keep It Simple Artwork
- -------------------------
- Graphic Design & Illustration 1st Design
- 100 Fonts 100 Headline Fonts
- Photographic Image Morphing PhotoMorph Classic
- License & Royalty Free Images Floral Tapestry
- License & Royalty Free Images Watermarks II
- License & Royalty Free Images Underwater Realms
- License & Royalty Free Images Kudo catalog
- Multimedia Browser & Manager Victorian Clipart
- Keep It Simple Presentations
- -------------------------
- M/M Slide Show, Presentations etc. Harvard Graphics 2.0
- Sound Effects, Talking Apps, etc. Wired For Sound Pro CD
- License &Royalty Free Music The Music Works! I
- License & Royalty Free Music The Music Works! II
- Wave File Editor Sound Impression
- Multi-Media Development Authorware SE
- License & Royalty Free Images Low-Res Bodyshots
- Multimedia Browser & Manager Kudo catalogue
- Keep It Simple World Photos
- --------------------------
- Graphic Image Editor 1 xRes 2.0 SE
- License & Royalty free images 2 3000 + photos
- Multimedia Browser & Manager 2 Kudo catalogue
- Keep It Simple Page Pizazz
- -------------------------
- File Conversion HiJaac Pro
- Clip art SPC 10,000 clip art w/Kudo
- M/M slide show, presentations etc. Harvard Graphics 2.0
- Fonts Aztech Fontazia 5000 fonts
- Clip art SPC 10,000 vector images
- Subtle backgrounds to enhance documents Abstract Graphics & Backgrounds
- Multimedia Browser & Manager Kudo catalogue
- Clip Art 5000 Classic Clip Art III vector images
- Keep It Simple Sales Rep Tools
- -------------------------
- Account & Time Manager Maximizer
- Professional templates 101 Sales & Marketing Letters
- Calendar, organizer Anytime
- M/M slide show, presentations etc. Harvard Graphics 3.0
- Resume maker & career planner Resume Maker
- Golf directory in U.S.A Golf Directory
- _________________________________________________________________________
- ====================
- The following provides a brief overview of each application and content title in Aztech's
- Keep It Simple Suite. An asterisk (*) in front of the application's proper name denotes that this
- application has won one or more industry awards.
- Following this description listing is some suggestions on how to use the various applications
- to meet your specific project needs.
- Desktop Publishing & Page Layout *Pressworks 1 by GSP Ltd.
- This multiple award-winning DTP application has over 150 pre-designed, ready-to-use
- desktop templates, screen capture, import many different graphic (BMP, PCX, TIFF,
- GEM, EPS, PIC, CGM and more) and text (Word, ASCII, WordPerfect, WordStar,
- Richtext, Ami Pro and more) file formats, spell-checker, personal dictionary, 40,000 word
- thesaurus, 24-bit color image support, 65TrueType fonts included, Adobe Type Manager
- fonts support, powerful typography tools, flow text around irregular shaped objects, many
- text enhancement features (slant, arc, spiral, etc.), full manual on disc, complete guided
- tour including sample layouts, includes 300 clipart images, supports 4-color separation.
- TIP: Use this program as your main print-based project assembly tool. Layout your project
- and then import various other support files like prepared images clipart. Use Harvard
- Graphics for multimedia slide show-type projects.
- (English, French, German application and manual included on disc)
- _________________________________________________________________________
- Illustration & Graphics Design *1st Design by GSP Ltd.
- 1st Design is much easier to use than many high-end professional products and is rated the
- best drawing package in its class. Incredible array of drawing functions including shape,
- controlled draw, freehand, arc, ellipse, text, move, split, align, blend, rotate, scale, skew,
- greeking, smoothing, undo, and reflect tools, copy, cut & paste functions, many line,
- arrowhead and fill styles, import and export capabilities, zoom, near-infinite color support,
- bezier tools, print, automatic tile alignment, group/ungroup, crop & registration marks,
- various snap-to controls, join paths, kerning, tracking, automatic tracing, object layering,
- 600 clipart illustrations and symbols, 53 TrueType fonts included, Adobe Type Manager
- fonts support, support of keyboard shortcuts, full manual on disc, complete quickstart
- guide. Imports and exports BMP, GEM, TIFF, PCX, WFM, CGM, EPS and others.
- TIP: use this application to create or import and then edit line drawings like the clip art
- supplied in this Suite. You can also add color and apply a multitude of different visual
- effects. Use this program also to convert complex photographic ("bitmap") images into
- simple outline drawings (called "tracing").
- (English, French, German application and manual included on disc)
- _________________________________________________________________________
- Presentations *Harvard Graphics by Software Publishing Corp.
- This multiple award-winning program is the best-selling presentation graphics software
- package of all time and well-respected around the world for the creation and display of
- multimedia presentations. Add special effects, use drawing tools like arc, rotate, flip, drop
- shadow and more, autobuild slides with bullet, table, bar and pie charts, emphasize key
- points with Chalk the on-screen drawing tool, select from over 80 pre-formatted chart
- layouts, consult the online Advisor Design Tips for professional advice on color, layout,
- fonts and more, use the handy Speaker Notes to remind you of important points during
- your presentation, select from over 500 high-quality drag-and-drop symbols, present slides
- in any order, add WAV and MIDI files that play back according to your requirements, use
- the built-in interactive tutorial to get up and running right away, and take your
- presentations on the road with the built-in runtime player
- TIP: Once you have created or modified the elements of your multimedia slide show
- presentation (clipart from 1st Design, images from PhotoStudio, a background or form
- design from Pressworks, .WAV file from Sound Impression, and some sound effects from
- Sound Pro), pull it all together with short text lines in Harvard Graphics. Use the master
- slide feature to create a common look-and-feel to each slide.
- (American English, UK/Canadian English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Dutch
- applications and manuals included on disc)
- _________________________________________________________________________
- Graphic File Conversion *Conversion Artist Win 95 & Win3.1 by North Coast Software
- This multiple award-winning program converts over 35 different photographic and line art
- image formats. With Conversion Artist it is possible to exchange just about any type of
- graphic file format you create with any of the programs in this pack and import them into
- any other application. You can view multiple images simultaneously, convert in groups,
- print, edit images, JPEG compress, unrivalled color-reduction, powerful color
- enhancement, read and play AVI files, employ a variety of image effects, screen capture
- and convert file formats between different computing platforms including SUN, Silicon
- Graphics, Macintosh, OS/2, Unix and Amiga. Converts BMP, GIF, TIFF, WPG, CUT,
- MCP, TGA, PCX, PCT, IMG, PCD, EPS and many more.
- TIP: This program is particularly useful when you want to make use of the extremely high
- resolution of a 32-bit (CMYK) TIFF image file from one of the photo collections. Most PC
- applications do not support this high a level of resolution so you could import this file into
- Conversion Artist and then save it as a 24-bit RGB TIFF file, which is supported by just
- about everything. The resulting file will have a great deal more "information" in it (perhaps
- 9-12 MB each) then the usual 24-bit RGB TIFF files (about 1.2 MB) in the collections.
- However, you really only need this type of resolution if you are going to magnify a very
- small part of the image to full screen size or if you want to print to a printer that can handle
- this amount of detail.
- (English only application and manual included on disc)
- _________________________________________________________________________
- Photo Image Manipulation PhotoStudio by Arcsoft
- This easy-to-use and powerful photo image manipulation, editing and retouching
- application features an album manager, screen capture, slide presentation, over 30
- different visual effects, customizable tools, 50 bitmapped seamless tile textures, 200 photo
- images and support for a variety of different file formats. Acquire images from TWAIN
- scanners, video grabbers, etc., organize images in convenient thumbnail groups, display
- selected images in pre-determined, timed presentation sequences, zoom in to fine details,
- perform image enhancement, color correction and special filter effects and get help from
- the comprehensive online manual.
- TIP: Use this program to crop (cut away portions of) photographic images to your
- document's size requirement. correct colors that are off or accentuate a feature. Add
- effects like blur to suggest speed or use a filter to create the impression of an oil painting.
- Scan in a photograph of your product using PhotoStudio and then touch it up. This
- application does not support 32-bit CMYK TIFF files so you must use Conversion Artist
- first to convert the 32-bit file into a 24-bit file (if you want very high resolution) or use the
- supplied 24-bit RGB TIFF files instead.
- (English only application and manual included on disc)
- _________________________________________________________________________
- MIDI & Wave File Manipulation *Sound Impression by Midisoft
- Sound Impression is the ultimate sound production environment for creating, editing, and
- integrating .WAV, MIDI, and CD audio formats. Record from CD or MIDI to .WAV, add
- music to voice tracks, add special effects and edit any size .WAV file, build voice-overs,
- mix .WAV files for multi-track compositions, view and play MIDI files as music notation,
- edit MIDI notes and events with your mouse, remove noises, hisses, silence (or add silence)
- etc., produce voice, music and sound effects for OLE 1.0-compliant applications like word
- processors, spreadsheets, etc., synchronize playback of MIDI, .WAV and CD Audio, and
- much, much more.
- TIP: Pick one of the wave files from The Music Works! collection. Add an echo effect or
- link it with a "bridge" piece. Then copy it and attach it to the end of itself so that the track
- loops. Or record your voice for your presentation and store it as a new .WAV file. Use the
- built in timer to cut either file to the exact length for your presentation. Pull the new piece
- into Harvard Graphics and use HG's slide show feature to link the wave file to the timing
- of one or more of your "slides". Play a MIDI file while also playing the .WAV file so that
- your voice is heard over the background (MIDI) music. Clean up the noise, hissing and
- scratches of that otherwise perfect recording.
- (English only application and manual included on disc)
- _________________________________________________________________________
- Kudo Catalog Reader/Image Browser Kudo
- Kudo Image Browser allows you to view catalogs that were created to work with various Kudo
- products. The Aztech image CD's and design tools have been developed to work with the Kudo
- Image browser so that it is easy to view various applications and images. With the Catalog
- Reader you can perform sorts and finds, and drag & drop the images into graphics applications.
- _________________________________________________________________________
- Victorian ClipArt
- 3000 Full-Color images, high-quality and richly detailed, from a wonderful era in design .
- All images included are royalty-free and are in the JPEG image file standard for quick insertion
- into your work. Hybrid images work on either PC or Macintosh systems.
- _________________________________________________________________________
- Photo Image Morphing *Photomorph 95 by North Coast Software
- PhotoMorph is a multiple award-winning special effects morphing studio. Includes
- morphing, warping, transitions, storyboarding, chain multiple clips, image edit (crop, scale,
- rotate, etc.), 24-bit sample movies and images included, movies work in 8 picture formats
- (GIF, TIFF, TGA, PCX, BMP, JPEG, PICT, Amiga IFF), and highly optimized for FAST
- operation. Use any images from Aztech's photo image and clipart collections.
- (English and German application and manual included on disc)
- _________________________________________________________________________
- Word Processing Virtual Word by Aztech New Media
- Virtual Word is a full-featured, powerful word processor that fully integrates with Gridworks
- (spreadsheet), Check-Mate (spelling checker), Word-Morpher (thesaurus) and
- Renaissance Grapher (spreadsheet graphing). . Access all your Windows fonts and sizes,
- add effects like bold, underline, etc., import .BMP images, super- and subscripting, text
- alignment and line spacing, pagination, search and replace, maintain detailed information
- about each document, and much more.
- Virtual Word is a professional quality, full featured, easy to use Windows 3.1 or 95 word
- processor. Virtual Word has all the basic features you require to do most any basic
- document including graphics support, print preview, multiple level undo's, Windows cut
- and paste, block moves, multiple margins, color printers, search and replace, True Type
- and printer fonts (with size and multiple color support!). Bold, Italic, Underline,
- Strikethru, Superscript and Subscript, etc. Margins may be set for left, right, center and
- full justification.
- Using Virtual Word, you will be able to create professional quality word processing
- documents with ease. Virtual Word is a WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) word
- processor. This significantly simplifies creating documents, since your screen always
- displays how your document will appear when printed.
- TIP: Use Virtual Word for all your basic and quick documents like letters. Use PressWorks
- for your more ambitious applications like multi-column newsletters. use Conversion Artist
- to create a .BMP file for importing into Virtual Word.
- (English only application and manual included on disc)
- _________________________________________________________________________
- Spreadsheet GridWorks by Aztech New Media
- The GridWorks Spreadsheet is a powerful, full featured spreadsheet that is compatible
- with most features of Microsoft's Excel version 4.0. Most controls and menus work with the
- same look and feel as Excel. If you have used a spreadsheet before, or specifically worked
- with Microsoft Excel, then you already know the basics on using GridWorks. GridWorks
- supports a wealth of features. You can change fonts and colors, create borders, modify
- column and row sizes, copy and move rows, columns, ranges, formulas, and formats. You
- can also produce presentation quality reports. The best way to learn GridWorks is to go
- through the online help file included in the application. It will be time well spent.
- TIP: You can use the cut and paste functions of Windows 3.1 and 95 to move blocks of
- information to and from VirtualWord and GridWorks.
- (English only application and manual included on disc)
- _________________________________________________________________________
- Multilingual Spelling Checker Check-Mate by Aztech New Media
- Check-Mate is a very powerful universal Windows 3.1 and 95 spelling checker. Check-Mate
- will work with any Windows' application that supports copy, cut and paste including Virtual
- Word, Gridworks, Pressworks and 1st Design. While in your Windows' application, copy or
- cut text to the clipboard. Run Check-Mate and click on the Spell Check. Once complete,
- copy your spell checked text back to the Windows' Clipboard to be pasted into your
- application's document. You can also type text directly into Check-Mate's input area to
- perform spelling checks, then copy to Clipboard to use in a Window's application.
- Check-Mate contains a state of the art, high efficiency 120,000 word American English
- spelling checker. (Most word processor contain only 50,000 to 75,000 words.) You can add
- new words to your personal dictionary file while performing spelling checks. You can also
- manually create and edit this file with any word processor (or Windows' Notepad) that
- allows you to save a text file. While the application itself is only available in English, spell
- checker databases are included for French, German and Italian vocabularies.
- (English only application and manual, with spell checking capability for English, German,
- French and Italian included on disc)
- _________________________________________________________________________
- Thesaurus Word-Morpher by Aztech New Media
- Word-Morpher is a very powerful, easy to use program that contains over 50,000 synonyms.
- Word-Morpher adds a full featured thesaurus to any Windows program that supports copy,
- cut and paste including Virtual Word, Gridworks, Pressworks and 1st Design. The program
- works just like Check-Mate but is also useful as a stand alone utility allowing you to
- manually type words you wish checked. Word-Morpher can be used to improve your
- writing and word power. If you enjoy solving cross-word puzzles, Word-Morpher may
- become your most valuable assistant.
- (English only application and manual included on disc)
- _________________________________________________________________________
- Spreadsheet Graphing Renaissance Grapher by Aztech New Media
- Renaissance Grapher is a very powerful, easy to use graph program that allows you to
- create professional quality business graphs with ease. Renaissance Grapher supports more
- than one dozen different graph types and styling variations. With Renaissance Grapher
- you can add titles, legends, select color palettes, scale your outputs for printing, or copy
- them to the clipboard to allow them to be used with other Windows programs like Virtual
- Word, PressWorks, 1st Design and Harvard Graphics.
- Renaissance Grapher automatically creates a random graph when loaded to assist you in
- quickly setting up various graph options. Simply finish your graph by adding your data, and
- you're done. Save it, Print it, or copy it to Windows clipboard. Changing any graph/style to
- another is as easy (and fast) as hitting one mouse button! Use saved graphs as template
- files to create new graphs! (Never waste any time creating variations of graphs you have
- already saved!)
- TIP: Renaissance Grapher is one of the most powerful, easy to use graphing programs
- available for the home, school or workplace. Use it to track your home budget, prepare for
- meetings, or just see how your investments are doing! Renaissance Grapher has literally
- thousands of uses. Once you begin using Renaissance Grapher , you will quickly realize just
- how powerful, easy to use and helpful this program is.
- (English only application and manual included on disc)
- _________________________________________________________________________
- Fax/Data/Voice Integrated Communications *FaxMaker Home Office by Aztech New Media
- Digital answering machine, voice mail, call transfer, fax on demand, call paging,
- automatically detect between incoming fax, data and voice calls on a single telephone line,
- automatically start the associated application, send a fax from any Windows application,
- design your own cover page or use a stock page, multiple phonebooks & databases,
- scheduled group sending faxes, import & export faxes, support of most popular
- communications protocols and modem (including voice modems) brands.
- (English, German, and Dutch applications and manuals included on disc)
- _________________________________________________________________________
- The Ultimate Windows Environment Enhancement Multimedia Tool
- *Wired For Sound Pro CD by Software Made Simple
- This title is one of the world's best known Windows utilities. It includes (take a deep breath
- ...) over 2,000 sound effects, 300 MIDI files, 400 icons, 50 animated icons, 100 designer
- cursors, 50 color cursors, 300 photographs (excluding all the other CD collections and those
- on the PhotoStudio disc), 150 video clips, 50 celebrity impersonations, a talking clock with
- reminder alarms, talking appointment calendar, talking Solitaire and Minsweeper games,
- talking system monitor that warns when memory or disk space get low, 5 animated faces to
- deliver the message, replacement cursors and icons, create your own animated icons,
- automatically switching wallpaper patterns at specific intervals, multimedia slide show
- screen saver to present pictures, movies and music (oodles of such material is provided
- with the Keep It Simple Suite), intruder alert feature, a CD browser provides thumbnail
- sketches and a description of the CD's available video and photos, ability to attach MIDI
- (music) to Windows events, Post This! feature, voice recorder/editor (requires your own
- sound card and microphone), multimedia jukebox (plays MIDI and .WAV files), 12 preset
- Windows desktop styles, a wave file player and editor, ... and an uninstall routine. Did we
- forget anything??
- TIP: This is the ultimate tool to bring your Windows environment and your multimedia
- presentations to life. This CD could take months to go through but the content could be
- used, for example, with slide presentations in Harvard Graphics. Use Sound Impression to
- further enhance the celebrity impersonations or to create that perfect sound effect.
- Personalize your PC like no other - make a statement.
- (English, French and German applications and manuals included on disc)
- _________________________________________________________________________
- Organizer, Scheduler and Address Book Anytime For Windows by Individual Software
- Anytime incorporates a Day Planner and Address Book to organize, schedule and maintain
- your day-to-day affairs. Use the Day Planner to manage your daily schedule of appointments,
- events, and to do list. The Address Book keeps track of friends, family, business contacts,
- and other acquaintances. View and quickly change your schedule with the Quick Glances.
- Choose from Week, Month, and Year Glance displays. Each Quick Glance gives you both a
- calendar and a graph view. AnyTime also offers over 40 exceptional, high-quality,
- professional-looking layouts to print information from your Day Planner, Address Book,
- and Quick Glances.
- (English only application and manual included on disc)
- _________________________________________________________________________
- Fonts Headline Fonts by GSP
- This collection of 100 original TrueType fonts adds a new dimension to all your Windows
- documents. No matter what you want to say, you can add more impact with the right visual
- message. The variety of styles range from Circus, Irish, Stencil and Antique to Hotel,
- Saphire, Shadow, GlowWorm, Comic Strip and many more.
- TIP: These fonts may be used by all the different Windows applications in the
- Keep It Simple Suite including Pressworks, 1st Design, Virtual Word, Harvard Graphics,
- and Gridworks. These TrueType fonts are in addition to all the others that come with the
- individual applications.
- _________________________________________________________________________
- 5,000+ Clip Art Images Classic Clipart III by Aztech New Media
- This collection features over 5,000 vector art images in several different file formats which
- may be used for virtually any occasion. Import them into Pressworks to accent a point, use
- 1st Design to modify or enhance an image, or pull an image into Harvard Graphics for a
- slide show. A true multimedia suite of products is not complete without a full complement
- of clipart images.
- _________________________________________________________________________
- Creation artwork and edit images for print Macromedia Xres 2.0 S.E
- Macromedia xRes is the most powerful creation tool for editing, natural texture painting,
- and compositing high-resolution images. The perfect complement to Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia xRes
- combines high-speed, high-resolution capabilities with familiar interface conventions and flexible,
- powerful features that make the creative process much easier. Key Features: Speed - with High Resolution
- files, familiar interface and tools, powerful image creation tools, low RAM requirements, and
- is web ready.
- ________________________________________________________________________
- Authoring tool for interactive learning Macromedia Authorware SE
- Authorware is a revolutionary authoring system used to create interactive multimedia
- applications. Its user-friendly interface enables non-technical experts to build applications
- and utilize the resource without scripting. Multimedia tools provide the power to incorporate
- text, graphics, sound, animation and video to create dynamic applications for learning,
- reference, simulation, merchandising, and entertainment.
- _________________________________________________________________________
- Design and desk-top publishing tools Parsons Announcements
- With the powerful features of Announcements you have all the design tools you need to accomplish
- your task. Perfect for business needs, you can create tri-fold brochures, letterhead, business
- cards, presentation materials and more. With 50 professionally designed document templates and
- 200 clip-art graphics - Your Pc will go to work for you.
- _________________________________________________________________________
- License & Royalty-Free Music The Music Works! I & II by Aztech New Media
- The Music Works! is license and royalty-free music for accompaniment to all kinds of media
- productions. You may use this material without charge for any film, TV, radio, video,
- multimedia, live or other productions (see license enclosed) without any fees. Featured is
- an outstanding array of musical styles composed and performed by a leading professional
- session group that creates and performs for broadcast commercials of several Fortune 500
- companies. This energy-charged CD-ROM plays in a standard audio CD player, and any
- Mac, PC, Unix or other platform supporting standard CD-ROM's (ISO 9660). This 2-CD
- collection contains more than 45 minutes of digitally mastered original music, recorded in
- "redbook" audio format. Track 1 contains the 16-bit stereo, 44.1 KHz Windows .WAV and
- Apple sound files, and tracks 2 onwards comprise the CD audio "redbook" tracks. The
- styles are a blend of rock & roll, blues, new age, ambient, easy listening, pop, country,
- techno, percussive, latin, acoustic, progressive, and orchestral content in segments from 10
- seconds to over 3 minutes.
- TIP: Use Sound Impression to add special effects, shorten, lengthen, edit, splice or loop
- content from this collection. Link this content to individual slides or full presentations in
- Harvard Graphics.
- _________________________________________________________________________
- License & Royalty-Free Hi-Res. Photographic Images Various Collections by Aztec
- The following information applies to all the image collections from Aztech. The images
- may be used for any purpose, whether for video display, print media broadcast, or
- otherwise, and whether for commercial or personal use, as often as you wish, with no
- further license fees or royalties payable except where the primary value of the product you
- are creating is the images themselves. The images may also be morphed or modified as you
- see fit, subject to the condition that the image is not used in an immoral way (please see
- our license for more complete details). All these images may be imported by almost all
- image handling applications available on Macintoshes, PC's, and many Unix platforms. The
- images are on an ISO 9660 disc, typically in two resolutions on the same disc: (a) 32-bit
- non-compressed, color-corrected, color-separated (CMYK), 300 dpi TIFF format giving a
- 150 line screen (avg. over 10 MB each!), and (b) 24-bit non-compressed, RGB, 72 dpi
- TIFF (avg. 1.2 MB each).
- [WaterMarks & Ghosted Images I & II] is the first in Aztech's ArtEffects series of image
- collections specifically created for graphic designers. This collection contains 25
- easy-to-use, very high quality multimedia and print-ready image files. These
- images have been optimally manipulated using advanced design techniques to provide ideal
- backgrounds for text overlay applications. All the work has been done for you - no need for
- expensive photo manipulation software or the requisite skills. Each image is stored at 8-3/4"
- x 11-1/4" (i.e. letter size with bleed) in three resolutions: (1) 300 dpi 24-bit compressed,
- color-separated(RGB) print-ready JPEG, (2) 72 dpi 24-bit RGB TIF, and (3)
- 72 dpi 8-bit greyscale TIF.
- [Abstract & Graphic Backgrounds I & II] comprises 100 license and royalty-free photographs
- by top photographer Paul Smith. These unique images are a combination of original
- conceptual perspectives and graphic art as seen through the lens of Paul Smith's camera.
- The content is designed to induce a variety of atmospheres and represent metaphorical
- characteristics in abstract and interesting ways including ethereal, turbulence, whimsical,
- strength, impact, progressive, birth, mystical, decisive, practical, etc. Aside from their
- mood-setting qualities, these images may also serve other graphic design functions
- including backgrounds, textures, thematic scenes, and individual component objects. Specs.
- are as first described above.
- [Visual Rhythms I & II] comprises 100 rare and unusual photo images by top professional
- photographer Paul Smith. These unique images focus on content of a repetitious nature: a
- string of boats, a bed of roses, bamboo poles, panes of glass, stone brick patterns, etc. The
- images serve a variety of graphic design functions including backgrounds, textures, thematic
- scenes, and individual component objects. Specs. are as first described above.
- [Underwater Realms] contains 100 photo images by expert underwater photographer Joel
- Auerbach. The images range from exotic, multicolored fish and other animal life, to
- incredible coral formations, underwater lighting effects, and shipwrecks. Specs. are as first
- described above.
- [Gems And Other Semi-Precious Stones] contains 100 license and royalty-free* photo images
- by photographer Al Copley. Mr. Copley has visited many museums and galleries to provide
- these hand-picked images of precious and semi-precious gemstones including the diamond,
- ruby, quartz, amethyst, agate and many others. All the images are annotated with a brief
- description.
- [Floral Tapestry] contains 100 license and royalty-free* photo images by photographer
- Douglas Guthrie. This collection comprises a mixture of tight shots and background
- settings of wild flowers including the Rose, Daffodil, Iris, Daisy and many more. Each
- image is annotated with its technical name.
- [BodyShots (low resolution)] contains over 300 license and royalty-free photographic images
- of professional male and female models in a wide variety of different business situations.
- These images range from business people shaking hands and conducting an overhead
- presentation to typical office situations like reading a financial newspaper, answering the
- phone or an in-office meeting. All the images have been shot on white backgrounds so that
- any background image may be dropped in. Choose from hundreds of backgrounds supplied
- with each Keep It Simple module. For the more advanced desktop publisher, this collection
- also includes "clipping paths" and "alpha channels" which may be used with these images to
- create a truly seamless overlay of the image on any background you choose. For those
- interested in the technical aspects, and unlike all the other collections above, these images
- are supplied in four file formats: 24-bit (millions of colors) RGB TIFF with alpha channel
- and clipping path at 72 dpi, 8-bit greyscale (256 shades of grey) TIFF at 150 dpi, 8-bit
- Windows .BMP at 72 dpi, and 8-bit Macintosh PICT at 72 dpi.
- TIP: Don't let the different file formats confuse you. For most cases, you will find that
- almost all applications support 24-bit RGB TIFF files so this is where you should begin if
- you want color images. Use the 8-bit greyscale TIFF if you will print out in black & white
- only. Use Conversion artist to convert the RGB files to greyscale before you print. This will
- save you a great deal of printing time later on.
- _________________________________________________________________________
- Multimedia Reference Encyclopedia Hutchinson Encyclopdia by Attica Cybernetics
- This title is a state-of-the-art world viewpoint reference work with unrivalled coverage of
- the world's peoples, events, societies, sciences, arts, history and nations. It is updated
- annually with video, animation, photographs, illustrations, audio, text and thousands of
- "hypertext" links.
- * Over 28,000 articles, 2,200 images, 275 audio clips, 175 maps, 250 tables
- * Over 7,000 biographies, 9,000 hyperlinks, many videos
- * Full search, browse and indexing
- * The print version has been in publication for over 40 years
- Everything from video footage of Elvis Presley and WWII aircraft carrier attacks to historical
- and geographical maps to photo images and sound are contained in this massive reference work.
- (English only application and manual included on disc)
- _________________________________________________________________________
- Windows 95 Tutorial Peter Norton's Personal Training for Windows 95 by PTS
- This disc is a step-by-step interactive Windows 95 tutorial. It is an easy-to-use, self-paced step-
- by-step tutorial that leads you through feature introductions and hands-on exercises as you grasp
- each new skill. Endorsed by Peter Norton, developer of The Norton Utilities, it features automatic
- installation, video, animation, graphics, and screen capture features. Topics include Windows 95
- Basics, Beyond The Basics, and Windows 3.1 Upgrading. This is NOT a simulator. This program
- works inside Windows 95 to provide a powerful online quick reference as well as practice lessons.
- (English only application and manual included on disc)
- _________________________________________________________________________
- Using The Internet, Tutorial The Internet For Everybody by CD Solutions
- This CD contains over 1.5 hours of a video introduction to the Internet. Is the Internet for
- real? Is it of value to me? How do I navigate through cyberspace? Learn to use the
- Internet and find out the easy way to answer these questions and many more. The
- Quicktime For Windows-based (included) tours and instruction are hosted by international
- computer and Internet expert, Dick Rubenstein. Mr. Rubenstein takes you through actual
- Internet sessions and shows what to type, what you should see and generally how to act
- online. He takes you through tours using the viewpoints of actual Internet users and their
- specific interests. Explore the Internet after learning about "highway" tools like Gopher.
- MUDS, Telnet, Lynx, E-mail, world wide web, jumpstation, global network navigator and
- more.
- (English only application and manual included on disc)
- _________________________________________________________________________
- Where the information was available, Aztech has tried to capture the following information
- to demonstrate that the products contained in the Keep It Simple Suite is worldclass, of
- high quality, powerful, packed with features but, most of all, is useful to you in your day-to-
- day activities and projects.
- The following is a list of known awards for products based on what was available at press
- time. If you would like more information about any of these award-winning products,
- please do not hesitate to call us at Aztech. If we don't know the answer, we'll find someone
- who does.
- Harvard Graphics
- PC World 1995 Best Buy, Windows Presentation Software
- New Media Magazine 1995 Thumbs Up Award
- Multimedia World 1995 Reader's Choice Award
- InfoWorld 1994 Product Of The Year-Business Graphics
- PC Magazine 1994 Editor's Choice
- PC Magazine 1994 Presentation Product Comparison Winner
- PC World 1994 Best Buy
- Windows Magazine WIN 100 Award
- PC Computing MVP Award
- InfoWorld Buyer's Assurance Seal
- InfoWorld 1994 Presentation Product Comparison Winner
- Home Office Computing Editor's Pick Award
- PC Graphics & Video Highly Recommended
- Publish Reader's Choice Award
- Multimedia World Reader's Choice Winner
- Mobile Office Computing First Class Award
- Which Computer Best Buy
- CIO Reader's Choice
- Computerworld Brand Reference
- Pressworks
- PC Magazine Editor's Choice
- PC Today Best Buy
- Personal Computer World Editor's Choice
- What To Buy For Business Best Buy
- PC Plus Value For Money
- PC Plus Product Award
- 1st Design
- Nottingham Evening Post "... well worth considering to satisfy the needs of most
- homes and small offices, and it's fun to use."
- PC Home "... designed for people just getting into creating their
- own layouts."
- What PC? "... a practical business option..."
- PC Today "... excellent value for money."
- Personal Computer World "Excellent for the newcomer..."
- Personal Computer Mag "Packs in lots of DTP power for the price. Nice,
- uncluttered interface, easy ... and fun to use."
- Home Office Computing "The Windows interface is friendly, attractive and
- informative."
- Sound Impression
- Multimedia World Reader's Choice
- Has won other awards but not available at presstime
- Wired For Sound Pro CD:
- Has won awards but not available at presstime
- Conversion Artist
- Has won awards but not available at presstime
- PhotoMorph
- Has won awards but not available at presstime
- Pixfolio For Windows
- Has won awards but not available at presstime
- _________________________________________________________________________